Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Burger 11: Buffalo Wild Wings Build Your Own Burger

Buffalo Wild Wings (B-Dubs) is a casual dining establishment in the United States.  Co-founded by two friends in 1982.  It was originally called Buffalo Wild Wings & Weck, and was located in Columbus, Ohio.  In 1990, Buffalo Wild Wings & Weck began to franchise.  As of 2015, there were a reported 1,080 locations.

Buffalo Wild Wings says on their own website they are known for Wings, Beers, and Sports (no mention of burgers).  Then how did they make it on this list?  I happened to be at the restaurant watching the Rangers/Islanders hockey game on one of dozens of their flat-screen televisions, when the waitress came to take our order.  Originally, the thoughts were: Should I get wings?  Boneless or traditional?  What flavor?  Should I get a sauce?  Maybe stick with a dry-rub?  Then I saw it.  The "B" word.  On the page beside the full page of wings, in big, bold, letters, read, B-U-R-G-E-R-S.  

I tried to hold back, but this burger diet has become somewhat of an addiction, where once the craving is started, nothing can stop it.  At this pace, I am assuming after burger ninety-nine I will be able to break through a steel wall to get to burger one hundred, just out of sheer excitement...and sadly, addiction.  In 2016 my New Year's resolution might be to attend BA meetings, or even start my own.  Burgerholism is a growing problem in the nation, look at the scales! 

And so we begin...

The Beef:  The beef came out somewhat soggy.  When I say soggy beef, I don't mean it was soggy like bread dipped in water, but it definitely wasn't fresh where you bit into it and it tasted nice and packed together.  2 out of 4. 

The Bun:  The bun was way too small for the burger.  If the bun happens to be small in any way, thickness is a forgivable quality.  This bun was probably 3.5-4 inches in diameter, with a burger patty 4.5-5 inches in diameter.  There were many bites which had no bun at all.  If I wanted a slider, with an Atkins burger on the side, I would have asked the waitress for that.  Instead, I'm hoping B-Dubs ran out of their regular sized burger buns, and had to use these little guys.  1 out of 4.

Beef to Bun Ratio:  I was so confused.  I saw this giant burger laying before me, but it was all an optical illusion.  The bun was just microscopically small, so placing any amount of beef on this bun would make it look like a gigantic patty.  I closed the bun and took the first bite.  Decent, but not as much burger as I was expecting.  A lot more bun than beef.  2 out of 4. 

Presentation:  I made my own burger so I ordered a "beefy burger" (and I would laugh at anyone who actually orders it that way), with desert heat spice, pepper jack cheese, and ranch dressing on the side.  (Side note: If every restaurant took mayo off their burgers, and replaced it with ranch, I would be doing 1,000 burgers.)  The burger was plated nicely, but again nothing crazy.  I'm really aspiring to see something great here...3 out of 4.

The Cheese: The pepper jack cheese was not real.  I don't know what it was made of, but it definitely wasn't made out of cheese.  Maybe it was the first slice, and the guy confused the packaging with the cheese, sliced that off, and put it on my burger.  I don't know, but I was not a fan of biting into this. 1 out of 3. 

The Sear:  The burger was semi-seared, due to being on a grill, then placed under a hot lamp for a little while (it was crowded, but it also takes away from the deliciousness, tisk tisk).  2 out of 3. 

Overall Taste:  Like I said in the beginning, B-Dubs is not known for burgers, so a 3 out of 5 should not come as a surprise.  Maybe if I got boneless wings as a topping it may have kicked it up a point (did I just invent something?). 

BBSR:  14 / 27

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