Sunday, July 5, 2015

Burger 39: Michael's Porthole Bacon Cheddar Burger

Michael's Porthole, located in Oceanside, New York has been serving the community for multiple decades.  The restaurant and bar, located on the water, is set back where the average person does not simply drive by this establishment, unless they are lost or looking for it.  For me, I was looking for it.  This seemed like a great stop to pull in to stop number 39 on the quest for the perfect burger.  Was that perfect burger found here? Let's take a look...

Michael's Porthole Bacon Cheddar Burger: 10 oz. burger, topped with bacon and cheddar

(I agree, it is a very detailed description of the burger)

The Beef: The beef was cooked medium and contained some pink, slightly overcooked, in the center of the mass of meat.  The patty was thicker than most, and provided a nice juicy bite with every mastication.  3 out of 4.

The Bun: Just your everyday normal bun, toasted on your everyday normal toaster.  Nothing seriously special about the bun here except its cloud-like softness on the top half.  2 out of 4.

The Beef to Bun Ratio: The BTBR on this burger couldn't get more perfect.  Every bite had the golden ratio of meat to bun.  I guess it takes a 10 ounce patty to accomplish such a feat.  4 out of 4.

The Presentation:  The presentation of the burger was the average restaurant's presentation.  The burger was plated with toppings, fries, and a pickle, neatly and very appetizingly (yes, that is a word).  3 out of 4.

Cheese:  The cheese was perfectly melted, gooey, and dripping when it first came out.  Just your average cheddar cheese, and a little light for a 10 ounce burger.  Maybe melting another slice would give this the go ahead.  2 out of 3.

Sear:  The sear on this burger was great in the places it was great, and not so great in the places it was not so great.  The inconsistent sear balanced out with the capabilities this burger possessed gives the bacon cheddar burger a 2 out of 3.

Overall: One of the things that goes unnoticed about this burger is the bacon is melted into the cheese.  Normally you have a cheeseburger, topped with bacon.  This is an actual bacon cheddar burger.  The bacon and cheddar fuse to become one and form the perfect relationship on top of this ten ounce patty.  3 out of 5.

BBSR: 19 / 27

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