Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Burger 35, 36: Keith's Grill at Citi Field

The New York Mets, the love of my life, play at Citi Field in Flushing, New York.  Enter Citi Field and take the escalator up through the Jackie Robinson Rotunda with hundreds of Mets fans surrounding you, talking about who will be starting for the game today, current injuries, and news about the team.  Take a left as you get off the escalator and walk straight through the field level seating, until you reach the left field reserved seats.  Behind the left field seating sits a small food kiosk called "Keith's Grill".

Keith's Grill, named for legendary Mets all-star, Keith Hernandez, only serves two menu items...the Gold Glove Burger and the Mex Burger.  Each burger, made with Pat LaFrieda beef, is cooked right in front of you on a flat iron grill.  Opened in 2009, with the suggestions made by Keith himself, this place always has customers devouring these two burgers.

The Gold Glove Burger: Exactly how Keith eats his burger: A six ounce LaFrieda burger on a toasted sesame seed bun with cheddar cheese, topped with lettuce, tomato, two dill pickles, raw onion, mayo, and extra ketchup on top, mustard spread on the bottom bun.  

The Mex Burger: Created by Keith & the Citi Field culinary team, a 6 ounce LaFrieda burger on a toasted sesame seed bun with cheddar and jack cheese, topped with bacon, guacamole, chipotle aioli and jalapenos.  

With the exception of the toppings, the two burgers were exactly the same, so I will be rating both burgers together.

The Beef:  The Pat LaFrieda 6 ounce patty was probably the best tasting beef patty I have had at any ballpark, basketball arena, or sports stadium.  The beef was juicy and tender and was a perfect size for sitting at a baseball game and eating a burger.  3 out of 4.

The Bun:  The bun, toasted on the same grill surface that cooks the beef, enhances the taste of the toasted edges by absorbing some of the juices and then locking in those juices by searing the edges of the bun. 2 out of 4.

The Beef to Bun Ratio:  A 6 ounce patty on a toasted sesame seed bun, yielded a great ratio.  Every bite contained a generous portion of beef on each piece of bun.  3 out of 4.

The Presentation:  The presentation for a ballpark burger was very well organized.  As the man grilled the burgers before me, the woman organized the toppings on each bun and set up each persons burger with a tootsie pop and a bag of chips as well.  The construction of the burger was not rushed, and again, for a sports venue, it was very nicely presented.  3 out of 4.

The Cheese: The combinations of jack and cheddar cheeses perfectly melted made a nice addition to each burger.  Before the cheese was placed on the burger it was actually placed directly onto the flat iron surface and melted a little before then being placed on the burger for more melting.  2 out of 3.

The Sear:  Each burger had a great sear from the flat iron which could be seen and definitely tasted.  The only thing being cooked all night on the flat iron are burgers so there are no tastes except the beefy amazingness on this sear.  2 out of 3.

Overall Taste: Overall between all the toppings and tastes there are certain things I enjoyed about each burger.  First, Keith is a genius for separating his ketchup from his mustard on the top and bottom bun.  It really brings out the taste in each condiment and is well worth trying.  The chipotle aioli was pretty awesome as well.  When topped with jalapenos and guacamole, this burger really was an unexpected delight.  4 out of 5.

BBSR: 19 / 27

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